ZAR NZD Exchange Rate

This is the live ZAR NZD rate forex data page, displaying the FX price for the ZAR/NZD. The FX rate self-updates every few seconds. Compare exchange rates with base currency ZAR with the second table of results. Also see the live ZAR NZD chart, ZAR exchange rate or the NZD exchange rate.

Live ZAR to NZD Forex Rate Today

ZAR/NZD +0 Days Low Days High Last Daily
0.089520739517473 +0% 0.089520739517473 0.089520739517473 0.089520739517473 03:56:17

Below you can compare more exchange rates using the base exchange rate of ZAR. Although all live forex rates displayed update every few seconds and uses live forex rates data, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. Please always verify data from multiple sources before carrying out any forex trading activity.

Other ZAR Forex Rates

Forex Value Last Daily Change Low High Updated
ZAR AUD 0.081378131005545 0.081378131005545 +0 +0% 0.081378131005545 0.081378131005545 03:56:17
ZAR CAD 0.072066477918509 0.072693581747513 -0 -0.86% 0.072693581747513 0.072693581747513 03:56:17
ZAR CHF 0.047708428637529 0.048608784886719 -0 -1.85% 0.048608784886719 0.048608784886719 03:56:17
ZAR EUR 0.049721187264025 0.049721187264025 +0 +0% 0.049721187264025 0.049721187264025 03:56:17
ZAR GBP 0.042558634844702 0.042558634844702 +0 +0% 0.042558634844702 0.042558634844702 03:56:17
ZAR ILS 0.19301171645476 0.19301171645476 +0 +0% 0.19301171645476 0.19301171645476 03:56:17
ZAR JPY 8.41853960961967 8.41853960961967 +0 +0% 8.41853960961967 8.41853960961967 03:56:17
ZAR NOK 0.57739984478844 0.58659589627432 -0.01 -1.57% 0.58659589627432 0.58659589627432 03:56:17
ZAR NZD 0.089520739517473 0.089520739517473 +0 +0% 0.089520739517473 0.089520739517473 03:56:17
ZAR PLN 0.211859588558361 0.214645377061035 -0 -1.3% 0.214645377061035 0.214645377061035 03:56:17
ZAR SEK 0.57235284901248 0.58167573229544 -0.01 -1.6% 0.58167573229544 0.58167573229544 03:56:17
ZAR SGD 0.071351205195238 0.0724638837047317 -0 -1.54% 0.0724638837047317 0.0724638837047317 03:56:17
ZAR USD 0.053170843236403 0.053170843236403 +0 +0% 0.053170843236403 0.053170843236403 03:56:17