PLN ZAR Exchange Rate

This is the live PLN ZAR rate forex data page, displaying the FX price for the PLN/ZAR. The FX rate self-updates every few seconds. Compare exchange rates with base currency PLN with the second table of results. Also see the live PLN ZAR chart, PLN exchange rate or the ZAR exchange rate.

Live PLN to ZAR Forex Rate Today

PLN/ZAR +0.01 Days Low Days High Last Daily
4.6821081107912 +0.15% 4.6746283522077 4.6746283522077 4.6753221839646 18:20:59

Below you can compare more exchange rates using the base exchange rate of PLN. Although all live forex rates displayed update every few seconds and uses live forex rates data, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. Please always verify data from multiple sources before carrying out any forex trading activity.

Other PLN Forex Rates

Forex Value Last Daily Change Low High Updated
PLN AUD 0.38404070521785 0.38197159029001 +0 +0.54% 0.38196540843684 0.38196540843684 18:20:59
PLN CAD 0.3417874516033 0.33869527791441 +0 +0.91% 0.33868825851193 0.33868825851193 18:20:59
PLN CHF 0.22685396604785 0.22396581406788 +0 +1.29% 0.22396129206782 0.22396129206782 18:20:59
PLN EUR 0.23065419927069 0.23051475754902 +0 +0.06% 0.23035368101698 0.23143743777988 18:20:59
PLN GBP 0.19744861400832 0.19748742944621 -0 -0.02% 0.19734820670438 0.19823364862876 18:20:59
PLN ILS 0.88816644993498 0.88816644993498 +0 +0% 0.88816644993498 0.88816644993498 18:20:59
PLN JPY 38.0369552268441 37.9583128381702 +0.08 +0.21% 37.956767125309 37.956767125309 18:20:59
PLN NOK 2.7060086369503 2.7072294638465 -0 -0.05% 2.7070948147602 2.7070948147602 18:20:59
PLN NZD 0.41810332788733 0.41591320869562 +0 +0.53% 0.41591609473408 0.41591609473408 18:20:59
PLN SEK 2.7017100168768 2.6912309394983 +0.01 +0.39% 2.6911357851636 2.6911357851636 18:20:59
PLN SGD 0.33789710116152 0.33457697983276 +0 +0.99% 0.33455555965424 0.33455555965424 18:20:59
PLN USD 0.24558559886048 0.24594195769798 -0 -0.14% 0.2455614763156 0.24729826643915 18:20:59
PLN ZAR 4.6821081107912 4.6753221839646 +0.01 +0.15% 4.6746283522077 4.6746283522077 18:20:59