CAD EUR Exchange Rate

This is the live CAD EUR rate forex data page, displaying the FX price for the CAD/EUR. The FX rate self-updates every few seconds. Compare exchange rates with base currency CAD with the second table of results. Also see the live CAD EUR chart, CAD exchange rate or the EUR exchange rate.

Live CAD to EUR Forex Rate Today

CAD/EUR +0 Days Low Days High Last Daily
0.66562897860169 +0% 0.66562897860169 0.66562897860169 0.66562897860169 05:24:32

Below you can compare more exchange rates using the base exchange rate of CAD. Although all live forex rates displayed update every few seconds and uses live forex rates data, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. Please always verify data from multiple sources before carrying out any forex trading activity.

Other CAD Forex Rates

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CAD EUR 0.66562897860169 0.66562897860169 +0 +0% 0.66562897860169 0.66562897860169 05:24:32
CAD GBP 0.5616606621697 0.5616606621697 +0 +0% 0.5616606621697 0.5616606621697 05:24:32
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CAD JPY 111.13102551131 111.13102551131 +0 +0% 111.13102551131 111.13102551131 05:24:32
CAD NOK 7.94915025872774 7.96585242465853 -0.02 -0.21% 7.96585242465853 7.96585242465853 05:24:32
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CAD PLN 2.86796327923296 2.84577581845776 +0.02 +0.78% 2.84577581845776 2.84577581845776 05:24:32
CAD SEK 7.77599749465612 7.81847582568476 -0.04 -0.54% 7.81847582568476 7.81847582568476 05:24:32
CAD SGD 0.979829796841373 0.970307870203079 +0.01 +0.98% 0.970307870203079 0.970307870203079 05:24:32
CAD USD 0.722700007227 0.722700007227 +0 +0% 0.722700007227 0.722700007227 05:24:32
CAD ZAR 13.3090203304286 13.2173158921732 +0.09 +0.69% 13.2173158921732 13.2173158921732 05:24:32