AUD CAD Exchange Rate

This is the live AUD CAD rate forex data page, displaying the FX price for the AUD/CAD. The FX rate self-updates every few seconds. Compare exchange rates with base currency AUD with the second table of results. Also see the live AUD CAD chart, AUD exchange rate or the CAD exchange rate.

Live AUD to CAD Forex Rate Today

AUD/CAD +0 Days Low Days High Last Daily
0.9059429825 +0% 0.9059429825 0.9059429825 0.9059429825 04:09:15

Below you can compare more exchange rates using the base exchange rate of AUD. Although all live forex rates displayed update every few seconds and uses live forex rates data, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. Please always verify data from multiple sources before carrying out any forex trading activity.

Other AUD Forex Rates

Forex Value Last Daily Change Low High Updated
AUD CAD 0.9059429825 0.9059429825 +0 +0% 0.9059429825 0.9059429825 04:09:15
AUD CHF 0.578564114375 0.578564114375 +0 +0% 0.578564114375 0.578564114375 04:09:15
AUD EUR 0.60302190211285 0.60302190211285 +0 +0% 0.60302190211285 0.60302190211285 04:09:15
AUD GBP 0.50883253543895 0.50883253543895 +0 +0% 0.50883253543895 0.50883253543895 04:09:15
AUD ILS 2.4177493095 2.4177493095 +0 +0% 2.4177493095 2.4177493095 04:09:15
AUD JPY 100.6783727 100.6783727 +0 +0% 100.6783727 100.6783727 04:09:15
AUD NOK 7.2958766415 7.21660810375 +0.08 +1.1% 7.21660810375 7.21660810375 04:09:15
AUD NZD 1.11198389918307 1.11198389918307 +0 +0% 1.11198389918307 1.11198389918307 04:09:15
AUD PLN 2.6322695655 2.5781106325 +0.05 +2.1% 2.5781106325 2.5781106325 04:09:15
AUD SEK 7.13695384275 7.083093308125 +0.05 +0.76% 7.083093308125 7.083093308125 04:09:15
AUD SGD 0.879043605875 0.879043605875 +0 +0% 0.879043605875 0.879043605875 04:09:15
AUD USD 0.654725 0.654725 +0 +0% 0.654725 0.654725 04:09:15
AUD ZAR 11.97413458 11.97413458 +0 +0% 11.97413458 11.97413458 04:09:15