CHF MXN Exchange Rate

This is the live CHF MXN rate forex data page, displaying the FX price for the CHF/MXN. The FX rate self-updates every few seconds. Compare exchange rates with base currency CHF with the second table of results. Also see the live CHF MXN chart, CHF exchange rate or the MXN exchange rate.

Live CHF to MXN Forex Rate Today

Below you can compare more exchange rates using the base exchange rate of CHF. Although all live forex rates displayed update every few seconds and uses live forex rates data, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. Please always verify data from multiple sources before carrying out any forex trading activity.

Other CHF Forex Rates

Forex Value Last Daily Change Low High Updated
CHF AUD 1.72841691206559 1.72841691206559 +0 +0% 1.72841691206559 1.72841691206559 04:38:58
CHF CAD 1.5658471723201 1.5658471723201 +0 +0% 1.5658471723201 1.5658471723201 04:38:58
CHF EUR 1.0422732539578 1.0422732539578 +0 +0% 1.0422732539578 1.0422732539578 04:38:58
CHF GBP 0.87947475966189 0.87947475966189 +0 +0% 0.87947475966189 0.87947475966189 04:38:58
CHF ILS 4.03088949267293 4.03088949267293 +0 +0% 4.03088949267293 4.03088949267293 04:38:58
CHF JPY 174.014202053923 174.014202053923 +0 +0% 174.014202053923 174.014202053923 04:38:58
CHF NOK 12.4733074942711 12.4733074942711 +0 +0% 12.4733074942711 12.4733074942711 04:38:58
CHF NZD 1.9219717772927 1.9219717772927 +0 +0% 1.9219717772927 1.9219717772927 04:38:58
CHF PLN 4.42955888887014 4.45605001838911 -0.03 -0.59% 4.45605001838911 4.45605001838911 04:38:58
CHF SEK 12.2425382635019 12.2425382635019 +0 +0% 12.2425382635019 12.2425382635019 04:38:58
CHF SGD 1.51334356949623 1.51935383483747 -0.01 -0.4% 1.51935383483747 1.51935383483747 04:38:58
CHF USD 1.1316377627521 1.1316377627521 +0 +0% 1.1316377627521 1.1316377627521 04:38:58
CHF ZAR 20.555733657291 20.6962967154214 -0.14 -0.68% 20.6962967154214 20.6962967154214 04:38:58